Free download of the roses
Free download of the roses

free download of the roses

Mass distribution was received only under Catherine II. It is assumed that they came to Russia through the Balkan Slavic tribes. The cultivation of roses in Russia was first mentioned at the beginning of the XVI century. Many varieties of park terry roses originate from the Rose Gallic named in honor of its wide distribution in France (Gaul). The huge variety of varieties of roses that exists nowadays is formed by crossing and selecting several varieties of wild rose. Roses first began to grow in ancient Rome, although the main purpose of the gardens of that time was the cultivation of useful plants (fruit, vegetable, spicy and medicinal), but there are about 10 varieties of roses found in the works of Roman writers. The plant in most cases is a branched bush, the stems of which are covered with spines the rose has got green leaves and large fragrant flowers in different colors. Rose is the representative of the Multicolored family. The rose flower is a symbol of beauty, because the refinement of its delicate petals harmoniously combines with sharp spikes.

Free download of the roses